SimCity 2000™ A Maxis Product, ©1993 Design & Programming: Fred Haslam Will Wright Additional Programming: Mick Foley Justin McCormick Producer: Don Walters Music: Sue Kasper Brian Conrad Justin McCormick Sound Effects: Halestorm, Inc. Maxis Sample Heds Will Wright Art Director: Jenny Martin Artwork: Bonnie Borucki Suzie Green Kelli Pearson Eben Sorkin Lead Tester: Chris Weiss Quality Assurance: Alan Barton Don Horat Manny Granillo Roger Johnsen Additional Testing: Robert McNamara Steve Perrin Carter Lipscomb Kirk Lesser Chris Blackwell Peter Alau Llarry Llee (For his most excellent bug) Documentation Director: Michael Bremer Editing: Tom Bentely Deb Larson Newspaper: Deb Larson Chris Weiss Fred Haslam Documentation Design & Layout: Vera Jaye Layout: Kristine Brogno Marketing: Larry Lee Technical Assistance: Craig Christensen Ray Gotchalean Bruce Joffe Diane L. Zahm Special Thanks: Jeff Braun Bob Derber Robin Harper Michael Perry Sam Poole Joe Scirica Everyone who bought SimCity Classic Extra Especial Thanks To: My Maw Bill Goodman of Cyclos, the creator of Compact Pro™ - the excellent compression program we are using to fit all of this demo on 1 disk.